COLUMBIA – The SC Department of Public Safety has received a donation of 2,000 KN95 masks from the SC Troopers Association to assist officers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SCTA Executive Director Mark Gosnell said that the Troopers Association had seen a need to assist law enforcement during this time to provide an extra level of support to supplement state supplies and free up resources for other state first responders.
The masks arrived today and will be sent to the department to begin distribution among SCDPS law enforcement including the Highway Patrol, State Transport Police, and Bureau of Protective Services.
“We want to do all that we can to support our first responders during this time,” Gosnell said. “First responders are on the front lines every day working to keep South Carolina safe and we want to be there for them.”
The department has regularly received supplies of masks as the supply chain caught up and has continually distributed masks to DPS officers to use during enforcement activities.
“Our number one goal is to ensure not only the health and safety of our officers but that of the motoring public as well,” said SCDPS Acting Director Robert Woods, IV. “These extra masks will provide an additional level of support to ensure we have enough supplies on hand as the need for personal protective equipment continues for health care professionals and first responders.”
For more information about the donation, please contact SC Troopers Association Executive Director Mark Gosnell at (803) 772-1124.
The South Carolina Department of Public Safety includes the Highway Patrol, State Transport Police, Bureau of Protective Services, Office of Highway Safety and Justice Programs, Immigration Enforcement Unit and the South Carolina Law Enforcement Officers Hall of Fame. Our mission is to ensure public safety by protecting and serving the people of South Carolina and its visitors