HIGHWAYS OR DIEWAYS Campaign | SCDPS Skip to main content
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Website - Campaign Page - Highways or Dieways

The Highways or Dieways campaign is one of the most successful and well-recognized safety campaigns launched by the SC Department of Public Safety.

With a ticking clock and distinct voice that narrated the ads, the campaign focused on personal responsibility behind the wheel and included a series of television commercials that showed the stark consequences of bad driving choices. Each ad ended with the reminder that the “Choice is Yours” whether our roads are Highways or Dieways. While much has changed in the 30-plus years since they first aired, we are still speaking of poor choices while driving and the same tragic results.

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The bridge_icon

The SC Department of Public Safety has a mission to protect, educate, and serve all those who live and visit our state. We use advertisements to encourage our fellow South Carolinians to drive with care. Through social media messages, partnerships, and community outreach events, we bring awareness to several issues that contribute to fatalities in our state:

  • Impaired Driving
  • Seatbelt Safety
  • Speeding
  • The Move Over Law
  • Distracted Driving