The SC Department of Public Safety is monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease and following the guidelines and recommendations issued by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control and the CDC.
SC Emergency Management Division: COVID-19 Resources
Latest Information from the CDC
View an interactive map from SCDHEC of COVID-19 cases in South Carolina
SC Department of Administration Information – COVID-19
Avoid COVID-19 Rumors: Get the facts: FEMA FAQs
Recommendations / Information from SCDHEC:
If you're concerned about your health or are showing symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, please call your personal doctor or healthcare provider. They can evaluate the cause of your illness and, if appropriate, can discuss testing for COVID-19 with DHEC. If you meet the criteria for testing, DHEC will help arrange testing with your healthcare provider.
If you're experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, MUSC Health is providing access to a free virtual visit; use the promo code "COVID19."
For general questions about COVID-19, the DHEC Care Line is here to help. Call 1-855-472-3432. Staff are answering calls from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week.
This is a rapidly evolving public health event, and DHEC takes every new infectious disease seriously. DHEC continues to encourage people who are unvaccinated to get the flu vaccine. This protects individuals and the public and reduces confusion of more common respiratory illnesses with possible COVID-19 illnesses.
Other steps South Carolinians can take to help stay healthy include:
- Washing your hands,
- Covering your cough,
- Staying home when you’re sick, and
- Appropriately disposing tissues and other items that you've sneezed or coughed into.