Current Salary Breakdown
Up to 15 years of certified law enforcement service time (in-state or out-of-state experience) will be verified for possible higher starting pay.
Officer Trainee (Non-Certified) |
High School Diploma or GED & 21 years of age
Certified Officer with less than 18 months of active law enforcement experience in South Carolina |
High School Diploma or GED & 21 years of age; Must complete STP Special Basic Training
Officer First Class |
Serve 18 months in SCDPS LEO classification or 18 months Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS Policy
Senior Officer |
Serves 3 years in SCDPS LEO classification of 3 years of Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy
Lance Corporal |
Serve 5 years in SCDPS LEO classification or 5 years SC Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy
Lance Corporal (+3 Years) |
Serve 3 years as SCDPS Lance Corporal or 8 years Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy
Master Officer |
Serve 10 years in SCDPS LEO classification or 10 years Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy.
Master Officer (+3 Years) |
Serve 3 years as Master Officer or 13 years Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy.
Master Officer (+5 Years) |
Serve 5 years as SCDPS Master Officer or 15 years Certified Law Enforcement Service Time as defined by SCDPS policy.
The remaining positions require a promotional process that includes interviews and testing.
Corporal |
Requires Promotional Process
Sergeant |
Requires Promotional Process
Lieutenant |
Requires Promotional Process