Justice Assistance Grant Program | SCDPS Skip to main content
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Justice Assistance Grant Program


Overview and Award Schedule

The purpose of the Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program is to assist state agencies and units of local government in carrying out specific programs, which offer a high probability of improving the functioning of the criminal justice system. JAG funds may be used to provide additional personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, training, technical assistance, and information systems for criminal justice purposes. Sub-grantees must provide 10 percent program cost in the form of a cash match, with the other 90 percent of the amount covered by federal funds.

New users must register via the NEW SCDPS Grants Management System, IntelliGrants by Friday, March 21, 2025, located at https://scdps.intelligrants.com/IGXLogin. The deadline for FFY 2026 JAG applications is Friday, April 4, 2025 by 5:00 pm.  Please review the JAG Solicitation document below for program details.

Application and Forms

FFY 2026 Grant Solicitation Workshop Materials and Available Resources: 

Application Tools

Other Resources