Altered States in the Palmetto State:
Statistical Indicators of Illegal Drug Use
Description – This report brings together criminal justice and public health data to provide an overview of the extent and nature of illegal drug use in South Carolina. The report brings together indicators of illegal drug use such as drug arrests, drug testing results, court filings, admissions to prison and community correctional supervision, drug related emergency room discharges, drug related in-patient discharges and estimates from user surveys. It was published in June 2008.
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: A Five Year Overview of Indicators of Illegal Drug Activity in South Carolina 2014 Edition.
Description –This report (the second edition in a continuing series) provides a statistical overview of illegal drug activity based on analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data from 2008 through 2012, unpublished reports covering the FY 09 – FY 13 time period from the South Carolina Department of Corrections and the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole & Pardon Services, and information from the National Drug Use and Health Survey for 2012. It provides a statewide overview of indicators of illegal drug activity for each of those data sources over a five year period, county rankings for a variety of indicators of illegal drug activity for either 2012 or FY 13, and county level overviews for the 2008 through 2012 time period. It was published in November 2014.
Report of an Outcome Based Statistical Analysis of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Programs of the South Carolina Department of Corrections
Description –The report compares recidivism over time for participants of the RSAT program to comparable groups and makes recommendations based on the findings. The report was published in April 2014.
Strategies for Measuring the Impact of SCDC's Alcohol Treatment Unit
Description – The report provides a detailed review of the South Carolina Department of Corrections Alcohol Treatment Unit and makes recommendations for revising the existing process towards the end of an outcome based evaluation. The report was published in March 2013.