The following reports are arranged alphabetically by title. A description provides a brief overview of the contents of each report. The report or presentation can be accessed by clicking on the link following the description.
Against Their Will:
Sexual Violence in South Carolina 1991 - 2003
Description – This report provides a statewide statistical overview of sexual violence based on an analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data from 1991 through 2003. It also incorporates 2003 data from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control regarding sexual assault victims. It was published in June 2005.
By Force and Without Consent: A Five Year Overview of Sexual Violence in South Carolina 2008 - 2012
Description – This report, the third in a continuing series, provides a statistical overview of sexual violence based on analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data from 2008 through 2012. It provides a statewide overview of sexual violence trends from 2008 through 2012, county rankings for a variety of sexual violence measures in 2012 and county level overviews for the 2008 through 2012 time period. It was published in September 2014. Previous reports are also available.
- By Force and Without Consent: A Five Year Overview of Sexual Violence in South Carolina 2008 – 2012 (PDF)
- A Five Year Overview of Sexual Violence in South Carolina 2007 – 2011 (PDF)
- By Force and Without Consent: A Five Year Overview of Sexual Violence in South Carolina 2005 – 2009 (PDF)
- By Force and Without Consent: A Five Year Overview of Sexual Violence in South Carolina 2004 - 2008 (PDF)
Recidivism Among Sex Offenders in South Carolina
Description – Part of a multi-state effort funded by the Justice Research and Statistics Association, this report replicates a Bureau of Justice Statistics report which analyzed recidivism among sex offenders released from prisons in several states in 1994, by examining recidivism for a cohort of sex offenders released from South Carolina prisons in 2001. It expands upon this analysis by also examining recidivism among a cohort of sex offenders admitted to community correctional supervision in 2001.
The Scope and Nature of Sexual Violence in South Carolina.
Description - This power point presentation was made to the American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute in January 2006 and was based on the analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data used to generate Against Their Will: Sexual Violence in South Carolina 1991 – 2003. This presentation provides highlights from that report, some additional analysis that was not originally published and discusses implications for additional research as well as community supervision strategies.
Sex Offenders in South Carolina: An Overview of the Population and the Nexus of Community Supervision and Mental Health Treatment
Description: This report links criminal history records of sex offenders with client records from the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health. It provides an overview of sex offenders in the state and describes the interaction of community supervision and mental health treatment services in regards to those offenders. It was published in August 2005.
Sexual Violence Against Children in South Carolina 1991 – 2005
Description - This report provides a statewide statistical overview of sexual violence against children based on an analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data from 1991 through 2005. It provides information concerning the victims, offenders and circumstances involved in sexual violence against children.
Sexual Violence in Private Residences: Whose, How and Why?
Description - This report addresses questions concerning the circumstances surrounding sexual violence at private residences. The findings are based on a review of more than 2,000 sexual violence incident reports from 2009, provided by 175 South Carolina law enforcement agencies. This report provides information concerning the relationship of victims and offenders to the residence at which sexual violence occurred, why the victims were there and how both the victims and offenders came to be there. It was published in June 2012.
Using NIBRS to Measure Sexual Violence
Description – This power point presentation was made to the Association of State Uniform Crime Reporting Programs in September 2005 and was based on the analysis of South Carolina Incident Based Reporting System data used to generate Against Their Will: Sexual Violence in South Carolina 1991 – 2003. This presentation provides highlights from that report as well as some analysis that was not previously published. Funding for the presentation was provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Victims of Crime.