Highways or Dieways
We’re bringing back the wildly successful “Highways or Dieways. The Choice is Yours” campaign.
These messages reminds motorists we all have a personal responsibility behind the wheel.
Buckle Up South Carolina (BUSC)
South Carolina updated its child safety belt law in 2017. Make sure you know which car seat is right for your child.
Back-to-School Safety
Keep our children safe. Do you know when to stop for a school bus?
Operation Southern Slow Down
Motorists 'fly' past you everywhere. Speed ranks in the top five factors in fatal and severe injury collisions. Slow down while on the road.
SC Sober or Slammer
Nearly half of all fatal crashes in South Carolina involve an impaired driver. Don't drink and drive.
Motorcycle Safety
Be aware of your blind spots. Motorcyclists are motorists too.
Distracted Driving
It can be tempting to divert our eyes from the road while driving but is it worth your life or others?