South Carolina Law Enforcement Network | SCDPS Skip to main content
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South Carolina Law Enforcement Network

Who We Are

The South Carolina Law Enforcement Network (SCLEN) is comprised of 16 individual circuit law enforcement networks (LEN) that encompass all 46 South Carolina counties. The networks are made up of local and state traffic enforcement officers, members of federal law enforcement agencies and prosecutors from each region of the state. Each network has a designated LEN Circuit Coordinator and Assistant LEN Circuit Coordinator who are full time law enforcement officers volunteering their time and efforts to highway safety. The networks meet regularly to provide information, training and networking opportunities to the attending officers. Prosecutors, judges and non-traditional traffic enforcement agencies often attend the meetings and offer assistance for traffic enforcement training and initiatives. The networks are utilized to efficiently mobilize law enforcement statewide for traffic enforcement initiatives and have become an outstanding networking, training and communication tool for South Carolina's traffic enforcement community.

Our Purpose

The purpose of the SCLEN shall be to gather, share, and disseminate information among network members; coordinate joint traffic enforcement and media events; identify and provide training for network members; and support statewide traffic safety campaigns.

2025 Law Enforcement Challenge Details Now Available

Are you ready to join the challenge for 2025? Visit this webpage with all the details needed to participate.

SCLEN Challenge-Header

SCLEN Circuits Contact Information

1st Circuit (Calhoun, Dorchester, Orangeburg)

Capt. Sean Buckmon – Coordinator
Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office
212 Deming way 
Summerville, SC 29483 
Mobile: 843-200-7856 
Office: 843-832-0300

Lt. Lawrence Hill – Assistant Coordinator
Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office
212 Deming way 
Summerville, SC 29483 
Office: 843-832-0300

2nd Circuit (Aiken, Bamberg, Barnwell)

Lt. Verne Sadler - Coordinator
North Augusta Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 6400
North Augusta, SC 29861
Office: (803) 441-4255

Sgt. Justin Aubuchon - Asst. Coordinator
North Augusta Department of Public Safety 
P.O. Box 6400 
North Augusta, SC 29861
Office: 803-441-4255

3rd Circuit (Clarendon, Lee, Sumter, Williamsburg)

Lt. Mike McCoy - Coordinator 
Sumter County Sheriffs Office 
107 East Hampton Street
Sumter, S.C. 29150 
Work: (803) 436-2037 
Cell: (803) 983-7267

4th Circuit (Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Marlboro)

Assistant Chief Michael Cooke - Coordinator
Darlington Police Department
PO Box 164
400 Pearl St. 
Darlington, SC 29540 
Office: (843) 398-4026
Mobile: (843) 495-3253

Sgt. Renea Baird - Assistant Coordinator
Darlington Police Department
PO Box 164
400 Pearl St.
Darlington, SC 29540
Office: (843)-398-4026
Mobile: (517)-748-6676

5th Circuit (Kershaw, Richland)

Sgt. Robert Uhall – Coordinator
City of Columbia Police Department
#1 Justice Square 
Columbia, SC 29201 
Cell: (803) 429-7927

Lt. Brad Gerrald – Asst. Coordinator 
Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office 
821 Ridgeway Road 
Lugoff, SC 29078 
Cell: (843) 496-7793 

6th Circuit (Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster)

Chief Deputy Joe Tate – Coordinator
Chester County Sheriff"s Office 
2740 Dawson Drive
Chester, SC 29706 
Office: (803) 581-5131

Detective Chris Fowler – Asst. Coordinator
Chester County Sheriff’s Office
2740 Dawson Drive
Chester, SC 29706
Office: (803) 581-5131

Sgt. Quentin Eley
Chester County Sheriff’s Office
2740 Dawson Drive
Chester, SC 29706
Office: (803) 581-5131
Cell:     (803) 379-9016

7th Circuit (Cherokee, Spartanburg)

Cpl. Sean Biggs - Coordinator 
Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 771
Spartanburg, SC 29304
(864) 503-4500

Cpl. Peter Miller - Assistant Coordinator   
Spartanburg County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 771
Spartanburg, SC 29304
(864) 503-4500

8th Circuit (Abbeville, Greenwood, Laurens, Newberry)

Lt. Thomas Peay – Coordinator 
Newberry Police Department
1507 Nance Street
Newberry, SC 29108
Office: 803-924-0126

Mike Hawkins – Asst. Coordinator 
Newberry Police Department
1507 Nance Street
Newberry, SC 29108
Office: 803-924-1427

9th Circuit (Berkeley, Charleston)

Deputy Chief Pat Carter - Coordinator
Mount Pleasant Police Department 
100 Ann Edwards Ln 
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 
Office: (843) 534 - 6528 
Email: ;

Sergeant Bryan Sadler - Asst. Coordinator
North Charleston Police Department
Special Enforcement Bureau
Harbor Patrol | Traffic Supervisor
Traffic Safety Instructor #0094
Mobile: (843) 412 - 4774
Office:  (843) 745 -1077
Fax:      (843) 745 -1097

SPO Robert "TREY" Mathewes - Asst. Coordinator
Mount Pleasant Police Department
100 Ann Edwards Ln
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 
Traffic Bureau
Office: (843) 884 - 4176

10th Circuit (Anderson, Oconee)

Capt. Tommy Crompton - Coordinator 
Oconee County Sheriff's Office 
415 South Pine Street 
Walhalla, SC 29691 
Office: (864) 638-4117 

Corporal Irvin Reyes - Assistant Coordinator 
Oconee County Sheriff's Office 
415 South Pine Street 
Walhalla, SC 29691 
Office: (864) 638-4117 

Lt. Randall Human - Assistant Coordinator 
Anderson City Police Department 
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
Office: (864) 231-2272

Lt. Jamie Brock- Assistant Coordinator
Anderson City Police Department
401 South Main St.
Anderson, SC 29624
Office: (864) 231-2272

11th Circuit (Edgefield, Lexington, McCormick, Saluda)

Lieutenant Jason J. Stoner - Coordinator 
Lexington County Sheriff's Department
Office: (803) 234-1307

Sgt. Brian Hinz – Asst. Coordinator 
Lexington County Sheriff's Department
Office: (803) 231-8563

Major Jason Ramey - Asst. Coordinator 
Edgefield County Sheriff’s Office
Office: (803) 637-5337

12th Circuit (Florence, Marion)

Chief Lee Marsh – Coordinator
Florence Regional Airport Department of Public Safety  
2100 Terminal Dr
Florence, SC 29501
Office: 843-669-5001

Sgt. Robert Norton – Assistant Coordinator
Mullins City Police Department 
157 E. Front St.
Mullins, SC 29574
Office: 843-464-0707

Josh Holt – Assistant Coordinator
Florence Regional Airport Department of Public Safety  
2100 Terminal Dr
Florence, SC 29501
Office: 843-669-5001

Cpl. Ben Scott – Assistant Coordinator
Marion County Sheriff’s Office 
1811 N. 501 Bypass
Marion, SC 29571
Office: 843-845-7119

13th Circuit (Greenville, Pickens)

Lt. Jeff Dalton - Coordinator
Easley Police Department
220 N West Main Street
Easley, SC 29640
Office: (864) 859-4025 
Mobile: (864) 444-1462

Officer Jeremy Jones Assistant Coordinator
Easley Police Department
220 N West Main Street
Easley, SC 29640
Office: (864) 859-4025

14th Circuit (Allendale, Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton, Jasper)

Lieutenant Charles Williams – Coordinator
Jasper County Sheriff’s Office
12008 Jacob Smart Blvd
Ridgeland, SC 29936
Office: 843-726-7777

Sgt Gerry Brown - Assistant Coordinator
Hardeeville Police Department
26 Martin St
Hardeeville, SC 29927
Office: 843-784-2233

15th Circuit (Georgetown, Horry)

Sergeant Larry Graham - Coordinator
Horry County Police Department
2560 N. Main Street #7
Conway, SC 29526
Office: 843-915-8033

Corporal Ken Kovarsky – Asst. Coordinator
Horry County Police Department
2560 N. Main Street #7
Conway, SC 29526
Office: 843-241-8134

Chief Kyle Lamparter  – Asst. Coordinator
Briarcliffe Acres Police Department
121 N Gate Rd
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Office: 843-997-9500

16th Circuit (Union, York)

Sgt. David Ruth - Coordinator
Rock Hill Police Department
120 East Black St.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Office: (803) 329-7200 
Cell:     (803) 389-9798

Master Officer II Justin Spader  - Asst. Coordinator
Rock Hill Police Department
120 East Black St.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Office: (803) 329-7200 
Cell:    (803) 371-9043

Sgt. Ryan Quinn – Asst. Coordinator
York County Sheriff’s Office
Moss Justice Center
1675-2A York Hwy
Office: (803) 628-3059
Cell:     (803) 554-1248