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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We hope you will take the time to explore the SCDPS website for information pertaining to our mission. We often receive questions through e-mail or by phone regarding topics that may or may not fall under the purview of SCDPS. We encourage you to take a few minutes to check out our FAQ page to find answers to some of our most common inquiries.
- Where do I pay my ticket?
For Uniform Traffic Tickets, payments must be made in the city or county in which the ticket was issued. The SC.gov website takes you step-by-step through this process: https://sc.gov/court-payments.
For citations concerning size, weight, and safety violations*, visit this link: https://apps.scdps.sc.gov/stponlinepayment/default.aspx (*Note – these citations begin with the letters WA, which is displayed on the lower right-hand corner of the citation.)
- Has my court date been postponed?
Contact the court house at which your case was scheduled. This information is on your citation.
- How can I obtain a copy of my collision report (TR310)?
This may be obtained through your local SCDMV office or the SCDMV website - https://scdmvonline.com/Vehicle-Owners/Collision-Reports
- I lost my FR 10
Please contact the South Carolina Highway Patrol Troop near you. You can find contact information on this webpage: https://scdps.sc.gov/schp/contact/troops.
- I need to find out where my vehicle was towed.
If your vehicle was towed by an SCDPS Officer (Highway Patrol, State Transport Police or Bureau of Protective Services), you may contact the local Highway Patrol office: https://scdps.sc.gov/schp/contact/troops. However, please understand they may have to call the appropriate TCC (Telecommunications Center) to find this information. If you are towed by another law enforcement agency, we will not have this information.
- I lost my ticket.
Please contact your local Highway Patrol office if you were stopped by a Trooper. https://scdps.sc.gov/schp/contact/troops.
- What is the law regarding carrying a weapon in SC? (CWP)
The State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) handles all concealed weapons permits (CWPs) in the state of South Carolina. Please visit for the latest information: https://www.sled.sc.gov/cwp.html. SLED's CWP hotline is 803-896-7015 or you can email cwpquestions@sled.sc.gov.
- How do I obtain an FR-309 form?
The FR309 is a form for the driver/owner of a vehicle to complete if your vehicle was involved in a collision of any kind and the collision was never reported to a law enforcement agency. SCHP cannot investigate collisions, after the fact, that were not reported to law enforcement. In this case, the motorist must complete the FR309 and submit to SCDMV. https://scdps.sc.gov/sites/scdps/files/Documents/schp/docs/FR-309 White Traffic Collision Report Form.pdf.
- What sort of career opportunities are available at SCDPS?
To explore careers available at any of our DPS law enforcement agencies: South Carolina Highway Patrol (SCHP), State Transport Police (STP), or Bureau of Protective Services (BPS), please visit the careers page: https://scdps.sc.gov/careers. If you are interested in a career as a telecommunications operator, please visit: https://scdps.sc.gov/careers/telecom. If you are interested in available non-sworn/civilian positions, please go to this website: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sc?keywords=DPS.
- How do I submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request?
The FOIA process is outlined on our website here: https://scdps.sc.gov/foia. You may e-mail the FOIA department at FOIA@scdps.gov.
- Can State Transport Police enforce state traffic laws for non-commercial drivers?
Yes. Although STP officers specialize in commercial motor vehicle enforcement, they also enforce state traffic laws for non-commercial drivers regularly.
- Can the SC Highway Patrol enforce traffic laws for commercial motor vehicles?
The SC Highway Patrol can enforce state traffic laws for commercial motor vehicles.