Juvenile Justice (Title II) Formula Grant Program | SCDPS Skip to main content
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Juvenile Justice (Title II) Formula Grant Program

Juvenile Justice Program

Overview and Award Schedule

The Juvenile Justice (Title II) Formula Grant program provides grants to state agencies, local units of government and private non-profit organizations (provided they have applied for and been denied funding by a local unit of government). The Title II Formula Grants Program provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate policies and projects, directly or through grants with public and private agencies for the development of more effective education, training, research, prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency as well as juvenile justice system improvement efforts. Project funding is for one year with the possibility of continuation based on year-by-year performance for a maximum of three years.

New users must register via the NEW SCDPS Grants Management System, IntelliGrants by Friday, April 11, 2025, located at https://scdps.intelligrants.com/IGXLogin. The deadline for FFY 2026 JJ Formula applications is Friday, April 25, 2025 by 5:00 pm.  Please review the JJ Formula Grant Solicitation document below for program details.

Application and Forms

FFY 2026 Grant Solicitation Workshop Materials and Available Resources: 

Other Resources